
  • Occupational Physicals and Employee Wellness - 12/16/2020

    This presentation emphasizes investing in employee wellness and will inform attendees why occupational physicals have a lasting impact on organizational outcomes. By offering a robust employee wellness and occupational physical program, you can detect health conditions early that save lives and reduce the overall cost of treating medical conditions that would have otherwise gone undetected until the disease has further progressed. If your employees feel like they are being invested in, they will see their workplace as a positive and engaging place to work, which affects overall health, productivity, employee retention and reduction of healthcare costs.

    Attendee Takeaways:

    1. Occupational health is more than just a checkmark to perform a job
    2. Relationships and building trust influences the dynamics of organizational well-being
    3. Investing in the upfront cost of physicals reduces long term serious health condition costs in future